GoT Ep 407 “Mockingbird”
Jaime yells at Tyrion for throwing his life away and the deal Jaime made with their father. Tyrion says he couldn’t listen to Shae’s lies about him. He fell in love with her and thought she loved him. He also tells Jaime that this is exactly what their father wanted. Tyrion goes to the Wall and Jaime becomes the Lord of Casterly Rock to marry and carry on the family name. Tyrion says it felt good to take that from their father. He tells Jaime he is the golden son, he can do anything and get away with it whether it’s sleeping with his sister or killing a king. Tyrion says he’s not dead yet, he has already survived one trial by combat even though Jaime wasn’t there to save him. Jaime tells Tyrion he cannot help him now either. He can’t even beat a stable boy at sword fighting with his left hand. Tyrion asks where his sense of adventure is. He tells him to imagine the look on their father’s face when Jaime falls to his death and the family name is no more. (Of course Tyrion mean’s this to be fecitious.) They have a short laugh, but reality comes back. Tyrion thinks Bronn will fight for him again and finds out that The Mountain (Ser Gregor Clegane, the Hound’s brother) will be Cersei’s champion.
Cut to, The Mountain slaughtering some poor men who are so scrawny and underfed as well as having no knowledge of how to wield a weapon. Probably some peasants who were caught stealing bread for their family to eat. He spreads their entrails all over the ground as he rips through them in a matter of seconds. Cersei walks through a trail of body parts to welcome him to Kings Landing and thank him for being her champion.
The Hound and Arya are still making their way towards the Eyrie. They see a cabin half burned down and find a man laying on the ground, his gut badly wounded. The Hound asks why he hasn’t killed himself yet and the man is slightly scared of what will happen once he is dead. Arya tells him nothing could be worse than this, but he replies that “nothing” could be much worse. She tells him “nothing” isn’t better or worse than anything, it’s just nothing. He asks who she is and she tells him her name is Arya Stark. He asks if the Hound is her father, but he says he is her captor taking her to her aunt for ransom. The man asks for a drink of water, which the Hound gives him right before stabbing him in the heart as a mercy. He tells Arya that is how to kill a man when he is suddenly attacked from behind and bitten. The Hound turns his killer around and breaks his neck. He see’s two more men and asks what they are doing. They tell him there is a price on his head. They also tell Arya and the Hound that Joffrey is dead. Arya recognizes the men as the ones that were in the cage when Yoren was taking her to the Wall back in Season 2. The Hound asks if they are on her list and she says they can’t be because she doesn’t know their names. The Hound asks what is name is and he stupidly replies. Then Arya says “thank you” and stabs him in the heart with needle.
Alliser Thorne continues to goad Jon at the Wall. While Jon is teaching boys in the practice field Alliser tells him he must chain Ghost up. Later, Jon informs his brothers that they could see the fires of Mance Rayder’s camp from Craster’s Keep. He thinks they should seal the tunnel under the wall, but Alliser thinks it is a crazy idea. They could no longer range to the north. Jon says the gate will not stop Mance and his giants. Alliser reminds Jon that he is only a steward and asks the first builder if he agrees with Jons findings. Of course the first builder cowers and says he does not agree with Jon. Alliser gives Jon and Sam night duty on the Wall until the next full moon.
Bronn comes to visit Tyrion, complete with new clothes. He is to marry a highborn Tyrell lady. Tyrion asks why he even bothered to come and Bronn says Tyrion always promised to double any price set against him. Bronn won’t risk fighting the Mountain. Tyrion says he should fight for him because he is his friend. Bronn says yes, but when has Tyrion ever put his life on the line for him. He apologizes to Tyrion who says he understands Bronn’s choice and they shake hands. Bronn asks what Tyrion will do and he says he may have to kill the Mountain himself. He jokes that it would make a good song and Bronn says he hopes to hear them sing it one day.
Daenerys finds Daario in her chambers. She chastises him for coming in to her personal quarters. She asks what he wants. He wants to go fight for her outside of the city. He wants to do what he does best. She tells him to take off his clothes.
Queen Selyse walks in on Lady Melisandre taking a bath. Melisandre tells Selyse about all of her different potions and how they trick men into thinking they are acts of R’holler. Selyse tells her that Stannis wants to bring Shireen with them when they depart, but she thinks her daughter shouldn’t come. Melisandre tells her she understands how she feels, but Shireen has to go.
Ser Jorah catches a half-dressed Daario leaving Dany’s chambers the next morning. He tells her he does not approve and asks how she can put faith in such a man. She tells Jorah she does not put faith in Daario, however, she is sending him and the Second Sons to Yunkai to stop the master’s revolt. She says she will have every one of the master’s killed to end slavery. Jorah reminds her that he once sold slaves and wouldn’t be there with her if Ned Stark had not spared his life. She says she will send Hizdahr Zo Loraq with Daario to act as her ambassador. The master’s can live in her new world or die in their old one.
The Hound has a wound that is festering. Arya tells him he needs to burn it, but he will not let fire come near him. He gets upset with her for the Lannisters being after him and says he wishes he had never laid eyes on her. He confesses that his brother is the one who burned him and that his father even protected his brother. She talks him into letting her wash the wound and sew it up.
Brienne and Pod treat themselves to a night in an Inn where they run into Hot Pie. He tells them how to make a good kidney pie. He asks why they are there and she says she is looking for Sansa Stark. He asks if she means the Starks of Winterfell and he says he never saw anyone like that. She tells him she swore a vow to Catelyn to bring her daughters home. In the morning, Pod warns Brienne that they shouldn’t be advertising the fact that they are looking for Sansa. Hot Pie finds them before they set out and tells them he never met Sansa, but he did meet Arya. He tells Brienne that Arya was heading North to the Wall, but she was captured by the Hound. Brienne tries to figure out where the Hound would take Arya and Pod tells her he would go to the Eyrie. Her aunt lives there and has money and she hates the Lannisters. Brienne thinks Sansa could be at the Eyrie as well, so that is where they will go.
Tyrion gets another visitor. It’s Oberyn Martell. He tells Tyrion how Cersei approached him and thought she swayed him to her side. Tyrion tells Oberyn that his sister has wanted him dead for a long time and Oberyn agrees. He tells Tyrion that he met him before, but Tyrion says he doesn’t remember. Oberyn tells him that his father took him and his sister on a visit to Casterly Rock after Tyrion was born. It was his first time away from Dorne and he hated it, however, the biggest disappointment was Tyrion himself. All the way from Dorne he heard stories of the monstrous dwarf with a large head and a monstrous claw and tail. He and his sister asked to see Tyrion every day until finally one day, Cersei and Jaime took them to see Tyrion. They removed the curtain, and yes Tyrion’s head was a little large. However, there was no tail, no red eye. No monstrous qualities. So Oberyn told them, this is no monster, it is just a baby. Cersei said “he is a monster, he killed my mother” and pinched his cock so hard that Oberyn thought she might pull it off, but Jaime finally stopped her. Then she said it didn’t matter. He would die soon, he shouldn’t have lived that long. (This gets my vote as best scene of the night, I love the Red Viper, aka Oberyn! And this should be Peter Dinklage’s shoe-in for an Emmy) Tyrion says his sister always gets what she wants in the end. Oberyn asks of his justice for his sister Elia. Tyrion tells him “if you want justice, you’ve come to the wrong place”. Oberyn says he has come to the perfect place and Gregor Clegane will be first on his list. Prince Oberyn will be Tyrion’s champion, yay!
Sansa enjoys the snow at the Eyrie. She builds a small Winterfell out of snow like building a sand castle. Robin finds her and asks what she is doing. He asks if they have a moon door at Winterfell and she tells him it’s on the ground so they do not. He wants to know what they do with all of the bad people and so forth and she says she didn’t really see a lot of that where she grew up. He tells her when they get married she can tell him anyone she doesn’t like and they can throw them through the moon door. He goes to change the castle and messes it up instead. She tells him he’s ruined it and she will have to build it all over again. He says he was making it better by adding a moon door. Then he kicks it all down so she slaps him and he runs off. (Aunt Lysa may not be too happy about that.) Petyr comes out from the shadows. Sansa apologizes for hitting Robin, but Petyr says his mother should’ve done that long ago. Sansa is scared of what her aunt Lysa might do, but Petyr says to let him worry about her. She tells Petyr she was trying to remember what Winterfell looked like since she may never see it again. Sansa asks why he really killed Joffrey. He says he loved her mother more than anything so he went against the Lannisters because they had killed her mother. He tells Sansa that in a different world, she might have been his daughter. Then he tells her she is more beautiful than her mother ever was and kisses her. Guess who was on the balcony watching? Yep, crazy old aunt Lysa.
Lysa summons Sansa into the throne room and they look through the moon door. Lysa talks of watching the bodies hit the rocks. Lysa tells Sansa she knows what she did. Sansa, of course, thinks it’s that she hit Robin, but Lysa tells her she saw Sansa and Petyr kissing. She pushes Sansa to the floor to look through the moon door and names off all of the people that have died trying to keep her from Petyr including her sister Catelyn. Luckily, Petyr catches her. He swears he will send Sansa away. She doesn’t let go of Sansa for a minute, but finally pushes her away from the door. Petyr goes to comfort Lysa. He stands her up and tells her he has only ever loved one woman his entire life, her sister Catelyn. Then he pushes Lysa through the moon door.
So in two weeks we see the Red Viper against The Mountain that Rides. Will Tyrion have the gods with him and be able to live? How is Petyr going to explain Lysa’s fall through the moon door and will Sansa have to fend off more kisses? Will Mance Rayder’s army reach the wall? There are only 3 episodes left and this season seams to be a mesh of the end of book 3 and the first parts of 4 and 5 which happen in the same time period, just with different characters. So we’re catching up!
Until next week!