GoT - My Theories for Season 7
Only 5 weeks and 2 days left until Game of Thrones starts. We've gotten a teaser trailer, some pics and an official trailer so there is plenty to analyze as to what may happen in Season 7. Here are some of my theories.
Dany claimed her Targaryen bond with Drogon back in Season 4 and its only grown stronger since then. Now it's time for Viserion and Rhaegal to get riders. We have 13 episodes left and two riderless dragons who can help in both of the wars to come. No Targaryen has ever controlled more than one dragon at a time and the dragon always has three heads. Check out my theory from a couple of months ago on who the other riders may be Though part of me hopes I am wrong and Tyrion is somehow destined to be a dragonrider.
This face from Season 1 is enough to break your heart. We know that Arya is in the Riverlands, where Nymeria was set free. While we haven't seen the direwolf since Season 1 she plays a part in the books and hopefully in the show as well. Ghost can't be the only direwolf that makes it. Nymeria has been sort of terrorizing the Riverlands with a pack of wolves she leads. This is the perfect time for Arya and Nymeria to reunite, but hopefully it won't cause any tension if Arya makes it to Winterfell and reunites with her sister Sansa.
This is a stretch and may not happen until Season 8 if at all. Arya is in the Riverlands, Bran is at the Wall and Jon and Sansa are at Winterfell. They are so close it would be horrible if they didn't find each other, but from the trailer and images it looks like Jon heads further north again. Will all of the Stark children reunite? Bran now knows Jon's lineage and Jon has to find out he is a Targaryen somehow. It's been theorized that Littlefinger will tell Jon about his true parentage, but I'm just not sure how he would know for sure. He could and would definitely speculate since he knows the different stories of Rhaegar and Lyanna. One rumor being that they fell in love, met up around the Eyrie and ran off to Dorne together. The second (and the one used to help fire up Robert's Rebellion) is that Rhaegar kidnapped Lyanna and was holding her hostage while raping her. We can kind of guess that the latter isn't true because of the Tower of Joy scene we saw last season where Lyanna begs Ned to lie and keep Jon safe.
Sam and Gilly could be the least interesting thing about season 7. I'm sure they will be important in finding out history about the white walkers, but other than seeing the picture of them looking over scrolls we haven't heard much about their journey in the upcoming season. The one thing I did hear and am not sure if it is true is that the part of Dickon (Sam's little brother and heir to Horn Hill) has been recast and that Tom Hopper (from Black Sails) is taking over the part. I love Tom Hopper, but Dickon is supposed to be Sam's younger brother and Tom Hopper does not look younger than John Bradley.
The big question I have for Cersei, which isn't necessarily relevant at the moment, is who will maintain her legacy after she dies? She has no heir. Does she plan to marry Jaime and have more children? Their father, Tywin Lannister worked hard for the Lannister legacy. While he might balk at Cersei sitting the iron throne instead of Jaime (because he is a little sexist) I'm not sure that he would be happy that Cersei basically sacrificed Tommen so that she could sit the iron throne. Legacy was very important to him. What's the point of ruling if you'll be forgotten because your line died off? Not to mention the fact that she is a horrible ruler who will leave Westeros a big fat mess. Oh, wait. It already is a big fat mess and she had a big part in that. Don't get me wrong, I love to hate her, but if Westeros has any chance, someone's got to get her off that chair. And, I've also heard she has a plan to defend Kings Landing against the dragons. While I'm anxious to see what it is, I kinda hope it doesn't work because I love the dragons.
Singer Devin Oliver came out a while back and declared he would was playing Rhaegar Targaryen in Season 7. Of course this will be in a flashback of some sort, possibly seen as Jon's real parentage is revealed to him. I can't wait to see the Ruby Prince if this is true!
Unless the world of Ice and Fire is flat and Gendry has fallen off the edge, he has to be somewhere. I don't think he is a throwaway character. I doubt he'll show up with an army and a claim for the iron throne, but you never know...
So, that's it for now, but with 5 weeks left you never know what news could come out. My podcast should be starting next week. I will be recapping Season 6 before Season 7 starts so be on the lookout.
Catch my weekly recaps and commentary via blog or podcast on itunes (Games For The Throne).
Courtenay | Mother of Dragons
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