#musiciscoming - Game of Thrones Live Concert Experience
I recently attended the Game of Thrones Live Concert Experience in Atlanta, GA. I had attended the Lord of the Rings concert back in the mid 2000s and loved it and since I love music and all things Game of Thrones I was ready. And what an experience it was.
The arena filled with smoke, swords clashed in the clouds changing from blue to red (ice and fire) and the Iron Throne appeared while that familiar song started to play. I was so in awe that I completely forgot to take a picture of the Iron Throne as it rose through the floor in the middle of the arena. Once I had the presence of mind to pull out my phone and take a picture, it vanished never to be seen again. :/ I did however, take pictures of other parts of the concert as well as some video, which I hope I don't get in trouble for, but I just couldn't help myself. I've also hadThe Rains of Castamere stuck in my head for days... A small price to pay for such a great experience.
Ramin Djawadi, who has written all of the music for Thrones also conducted the orchestra and even delighted us in playing different instruments from time to time. The concert explored character arcs, love and hate, throughout the six seasons of the show that we were able to view on large screens as the orchestra played on the stage. It was no normal stage either. It spanned the entire floor of the arena with special "vignettes" where solos took place. We were even showered with red leaves from the weirwood tree and snow from the North. For two hours, we revisited the journey from season one where we first met the characters, lost some we didn't expect and saw magic come back to Westeros and Essos, to the Battle of Blackwater Bay in season two (where we saw what wildfire can really do), to the epic Battle of the Bastards, the terrifyingly cruel Hold the Door and Cersei's destruction of the Sept of Baelor and takeover of the Iron Throne. And let's not forget the dragons for they are coming to Westeros! There was dragonfire that almost seemed real as well as some wildfire. All themes and characters were explored. The set was stunning and most of the orchestra (especially the soloists) were even dressed in themed costumes. Instruments I've never seen before appeared including a 14 foot horn.
I'm now obsessed with the song"Light of the Seven", which is from Season 6 and about the time Cersei blew up the Sept of Baelor and started her official reign of terror. This definitely takes the Game of Thrones experience to a whole new level. Only 3 1/2 more months until the premiere on 07.16.17. Enjoy pics from the concert below. If you want to see more here is the official site for the concert. There are only a few days left.
Courtenay | Mother of Dragons